Saturday, November 7, 2009

My Favorite Heron

We had a visitor this morning - a great blue heron. It was just hanging out at the corner of our slip. This is the kind of bird I REALLY like to chase. I try to sneak up on them, like a cat, but they always see me. Then, they SQUARRRKKK, and take off. Noisy birds, and cranky too. But fun to chase!

It was only here for a few minutes, then flew away. Too bad I missed the chance to chase it off!

Fair Winds!



Erich Trapp said...

I read about you from my friend Bob, the bloginating PitBull. I am very excited that there is another blogging dog, and one who sails the seas no less! Keep up the good work, and be careful.

A Schip Blogs about Life Aboard said...

Thanks, Erich! We always are careful - every day that we can say nothing got broken, and no one got hurt, is a good one!

Fair Winds!

Holly, aboard s/v Peregrine