Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Place in the Shade

This is one of my favorite spots when it is hot. The kayak gives me really nice shade, and the air comes up off the water through the trampoline, and cools me off. Mom says this is like natural air conditioning. I don't know what that is, but I know I like it!

My New Friend

This is my new friend Vanity. She lives with the man who owns the boat next to us. They do not live aboard, so I don't see her very often. But when she comes to the boat, we have fun. We race each other up and down the docks, and my mom sometimes takes us both for walks around the marina.

Mom says Vanity is a mini Schnauzer. If you want to know more about them, you can check them out at the AKC web site. She is very cute, and very sweet. She would not stand still long enough for my mom to take her picture with me, so this was the best she could do.

Isn't she cute?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Snap Happy

**Sigh** Mom got a new camera, and you know what that means. She is snap happy. She took this pic of my cute little face today, and wants to show it off.

She also took this pic of "Lady Liberty", a mini version that stands watch over our marina. She tells me that it is not quite the same as the big one, but I still think she is cool!!

Fair Winds, and thanks to Lady Liberty!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Need I say more?

I'm a Lucky Dog!!

How would you like to be this eagle??? On a nest, in this cold and snow? I guess I am one lucky dog. I have a warm place to live, I only have to go out in the cold weather once in a while, unless I WANT to play in the snow. But, this poor bird!!

Here is a photo from the website of Friends of Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge. My mom and dad took a trip here a few years ago. They took me too, but I could not get out of the car. Mom says they saw lots of beautiful birds, and even some kind of endangered squirrel.

Blackwater has a web cam where you can watch the eagles and ospreys too, when they are nesting. This eagle is sitting on two eggs, and we all hope they will be fine in this terrible storm. But we know this pair are good parents, and will not leave their nest.

You can watch them too; just click here to see the webcam: Friends of Blackwater.

Fair Winds, and stay warm in the storm!!


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

More Snow, and More on the way!!

Yipee!! More snow!! I am the only one on the boat that is happy about this. Dad has been cleaning snow off the boat all morning, and moved some off the dock too. Mom says that this is her version of hell - not flames and hot, but lots of white fluffy stuff, and cold.

Personally, I think it's GREAT!! It is so much fun to ROLL in, and to CHASE snowballs, and RUN in, and....and.....EVERYTHING!! I don't even have to get all bundled up, like my mom and dad, to go outside!! YAHOO!! LET IT SNOW!!

As you can see, I'm liking the snow!!

(Mom's comment: MAKE IT STOP!!!)

Fair Winds, and enjoy the snow!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Ice, Ice, Baby

We have had fierce winds here for the past several days. My mom won't let me play outside on the boat or the dock, since she is afraid I will get blown away!! It is awfully cold too, even more so with the violent winds.

When we get winds like this here, the water comes up over the main dock. Thank goodness we are protected at the other end of the dock. The water sometimes comes all the way over, from one side to the other, then freezes. My dad has been putting down salt when this happens, so we have a clear path to the gate.

The outside dock is covered in at least 3 inches of ice. Look at these bikes!!

Can't wait till spring!!

Fair Winds, and no more fierce ones!